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144 Memberships Only

Forming the First Ring

#DiamondMAtrix Template

Space is Limited



  $144/year or $12/mo

Request to Join Subject to Approval  

Membership in the Mothership Alliance is by vibration and invitation, attraction vs promotion. This is not about an elitist club, we are building in strategic timing, phases, numbers and organizational structure for optimal coherence and operation. 


If you would like to feel into our community and creations before joining the Private Member Association, you can check out our Social Media Presence on Instagram, Facebook or request access to our Facebook Private Group


  • Free Diamond Co-Op Content/Classes/Events

  • Private Telegram Channel/Chat

  • Private/Secure App & Platform (The Ark)

  • Discounts on Premium Content/Event Offerings

  • Sacred Ceremony & Ritual

  • Ability to Participate in Monetized Events, Academies and Goods/Services Marketplaces

  • Supports MA &  Our Missions and Charitable Work

  • Feel The Power of stepping into the MA Vortex and connecting/adding your circuit to a very powerful #Motherboard that provides us all energy for our Missions. What you #FeedIN will #FeedOUT multiplied. This is something you have to vibe, not describe. 





The Mothership Alliance vision and blueprints stem from an original project known as "P-VOLT #MediaMothership", envisioned by Robyn Davis and now joined by members and co-creators who share this vision of High Vibe Media, Sacred Commerce and Sovereign Social Online (and offline) Gathering.


The downloads, creation and planning have been 9 years in the making (plus a few lifetimes). This sizzler video was meant as an energetic call to those in alignment. This was created in 2015 and watching it again, it views like prophecy. #goodwatch #TurnitUP to rev you up and give you a feel for some of what we are doing here with the Mothership Mission! 



The Mothership Alliance is the blueprint for a co-created Cooperative designed to harness the current zeitgeist of uplift and progressive change via its Conscious Media, Sacred Activism and Innovative Regenerative Revenue Model. It's a simple but powerful plan which holds the potential for the little gal/guy TO MAKE SOMETHING VERY BIG HAPPEN. Together as ONE. 


Ma is designed to be a container, curator, connector and aggregator for Conscious and Mindful Media & Maker Marketplaces, Communities and Academies. 


Premium Content, Channel Pages, Temple Tithing, Supporters and Sponsors generate the funding/energy toward investment, incubation and tithing toward "The Mother Missions." The design will co-create, with Her members, a regenerative ecosystem for prosperity and cleaning this house that has been left quite a mess. 


The Alliance is more than the tools we use. She exists EVERYWHERE but we have our own App/Platform where we gather to support one another, conduct our #SacredCommerce and do The #GreatWork and #MotherMissions, without energetic interference.


Technology has facilitated and amplified what is possible in how people do business and connect in community. Used haphazardly, and in silos, it creates mayhem and division. Used mindfully, with intention and natural flow? Anything is possible. 


What is needed now, is to provide the tech, tools and a cohesive system to unite & collaborate, reduce redundancy and create opportunities to best attract our tribe, connect polarities and create natural balance. This organically happens when we are able to move freely about, and to clearly emit and receive the energy/signals we need to not only survive, but thrive.  


MA Info
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